


An  e-resource refer to  those  materials  that  requires  computer  access ,whether  through a  personal Computer framework or  handheld  mobile  device  e-resource used to any  time information  available. It provides up to date and quick information. The e-resource like E-JOURNALS, E-BOOK, E-PAPER, E-IMAGE, E-RESEARCH PAPER,      E-DATA BASE, E-AUDIO, E-MAGAZINE, E-THESIS, WWW, CD-ROM, HELPAND TUTORIALS, and DIGITAL REPOSITORY. E-resources are part of the “Invisible web” which is essentially information accessible through the internet but normally can’t be found on Google. Most e-resources are not freely available to everyone on the World Wide Web and they may not appear on search engines like Google. An e-resource can be                               e-book, journal or newspaper that has been made available in electronic format and it can be a bibliographic or full text database that allows us to search for relevant articles in our subject areas, however a number of e-resources are available, but as per study e-journal, e-book, CD-Rom and e-newspaper are most widely used.
                            TYPES OF E-RESOURCES

 E-JOURNAL:  Electronic journal also known as e-journal and electronic serials are scholarly journals that can be accessed using computer and communication technology. It means that they are usually published on the web. They are a specialized form of electronic document they provide materials for academic research and study and they are formatted approximately like journal articles in traditional printed journals. Journals can be categorised as online only journals, online versions of printed journal and equivalent of a printed journel.
E-BOOK: An e-book or eBook is also known as electronic book, digital book and e-edition. It is a book length publication which contains text of text, images or both and produced on published through and readable on computers or other electronic device. Personal computer and many smart phones can also be used to read e-books. As e-book formats emerged and proliferated, some garnered support from major software companies such as Adobe with its PDF format and others supported by independent and open-source programmers.
E-MAGAZINE: E-magazine is a magazine published on the World Wide Web. Some online magazines may refer to themselves as electronic magazines or e-magazines to reflect their readership, demographies or to capture alternative terms and spellings in online searches.  
E-IMAGE: An e-image is a system of photography using a sensor placed behind a camera lens to translate an image into an electronic signal which can be stored on a disk or magnatic tape for playback on a VCR or video disk player and viewing on a television screen. Electronic image is an image represented as a two-dimensional array of brightness values for pixels.
E-DATABASE: An e-database is an organized collection of information of a particular subject area. The information of an e-database can be researched and retrieved electronically. It can easily be accessed, managed and updated frequently. It can be classified according to types of contents – FULL TEXT and BIBLIOGRAPHIC
Full text: A full text database is a database that contains the complete text of books, magazine, newspaper, diagrams and tables.
Bibliographic: Bibliographic database only contains only citation information of an article such as author name, journal title, publication,   data, and page numbers.
E-AUDIO: E-audio for we to download free of change to our e-reader or other digital device such as a mobile phone or mp-3 player For example, Dolby E is an audio encoding and decoding technology.
E-PAPER:  E-paper is a portable, reusable storage and display medium that looks like paper but can be repeatedly written on refreshed, by electronic means – thousands or millions of times. E-paper will be used for applications such as e-book, e-newspapers, portable signs and rollable displays. It is created with mechanical tools such as an electronic pencil.
WORLD WIDE WEB: The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext document accessed via internet with a web browser one can view web pages that may contains text, images and videos and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks.

CD-ROM: The full form of CD-Rom is compact disk read only memory. It is a non-volatile memory. It is an optical disk capable of storing large amount of data up to 1GB although the most common size is 650 MB. CD-ROMs are similar to audio CDs and the data can be stored and accessed from CD-Rom in the same way.
E-THESIS: An e-thesis or electronic thesis describes a thesis in digital form that is generally accessed via the internet. Access to, and storage of electronic thesis is usually facilitated by open access repositories such as the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) institutional repository, CORA
E-RESEARCH REPORT: Membership of the electronic research records was restricted to participants in the Austin area.   
 E-resources are very useful to get desired and relevant information, easily and fastly. E-resources may available with computer access or by any other electronic devices where we get resources or information through online and offline.


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