
Showing posts from April, 2017

Tyler's model

CURRICULUM MODEL A model is a format for curriculum design developed to meet unique needs, contexts, and/or purposes. In order to address these goals, curriculum developers design, reconfigure, or rearrange one or more key curriculum components. TYLER MODEL OF CURRICULUM One of the best known curriculum models was first introduce in 1949 by Ralph Tyler. When designing Tyler model, student’s emotions, feelings, beliefs, and intellect is what help Tyler to design this particular curriculum model. Tyler noted that the idea that children’s interests must be identified so that they can serve as the focus of educational attention which then lead to the basis for selecting objectives (Denham, 2002, p. 2). Tyler’s 1949 curriculum model is a four part model that consists of objectives, instructional strategies and content, organization of learning experiences, and assessment and evaluation that was designed based on four questions: What educational purposes should the insti...

Grounded theory

Grounded theory is a general methodology, a way of thinking about conceptualizing data. This method was developed by two sociologists Barney G Glasser and Anselm L Strauss their collaboration in research on dying hospital patients led them to write Awareness of Dying in 1965. In this research they developed the constant comparison method later known as the Grounded Theory Method.   The discovery of grounded theory (1967) this book which has the major ideas of grounded theory. GROUNDED THEORY Glaser (1996) suggested “Grounded theory is the systematic generation of theory from data , it is an inductive process in which everything is integrated and interrelated with other actions world in which participant inhibit is multivariate, multivalent and connected.” Grounded theory is a systematic theory of using systematized method of theoretical sampling , coding constant comparison, the identification of core variable and saturation. Strauss and Corbin (1994:273) remark gro...